3 Things That Will Start Improving Your Health Immediately
Aim to drink at least half the number of your body weight in ounces every day. For example, a 150 lb person should try to drink 75 oz (~9-10 cups) of water each day.
Tip: Find a favorite water bottle. If it holds 20 oz then you know you’ll need to drink about 4 of those each day. Put four rubber bands on the bottle, then remove a rubber band each time you empty the bottle. Refill and repeat! By the end of the day all four rubber bands should be gone and you’ll know you’ve met or exceeded your goal.
2. Work on the timing of your eating
I suggest eating about every 3-4 hours during the day. Of course, what you eat matters too, as we’ll discuss.
Why work on the timing of your eating?
- It helps prevent large fluctuations in your blood sugar, which can lead to changes in mood and cause fatigue or lightheadedness.
- It helps you achieve adequate nutrition for proper energy throughout the day.
- It helps prevent cravings and overeating by keeping you from becoming ravenous when going long periods without eating. This can also help prevent cravings later in the day.
How to work on timing by planning your day
A sample meal schedule
7 AM – Breakfast
A slice of egg casserole and an orange
10 AM – Snack
Apple and almonds
1 PM – Lunch
Burrito bowl with ground meat, rice, chopped greens, tomato, avocado, beans, and cilantro. Add a side of strawberries.
4 PM – Snack
Cucumbers, carrots, celery, hummus, and an RX Bar
7 PM – Dinner
Chicken fajita sheet pan meal: Sliced chicken, peppers, onions, cumin, garlic, and salt. Serve in paleo wraps or over quinoa with greens and avocado.
3. Reduce your intake of sugary, processed foods and drinks
By avoiding those types of foods and beverages, you can help regulate your blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, and be well on your way to a whole-foods based diet.
Tip: Stop drinking soda and try a sparkling water, water infused with essential oils, or kombucha (gut health bonus!)
If you’re craving a sweet treat, try frozen berries, frozen mango chunks, or a fruit and veggie-rich smoothie.